
I am passionate about providing solutions to customers’ unmet needs through the interplay of deep societal and customer understanding, basic and applied R&D and early true partnerships with players along the value chain: from raw material suppliers to final product. Needless to say, that this ecosystem lives inside and outside corporations’ walls. All this summarizes for me the meaning of Innovation.

I am particularly intrigued and dedicated to finding ways for large corporations to realize innovative opportunities in uncharted fields requiring the implementation of new business models. This is very often daunting to these organizations, as they have to learn how to deal and manage new uncertainties and risks. One of these risks can be the cannibalization of existent products.

I have posses a wide experience in this field through a proven track record of generating new businesses in pharma, agricultural biotech, human nutrition & health and life sciences industry leaders for 20+ years. My roles as Venture Partner & Advisor are consequent evolutions of my dedication to bringing breakthrough innovations to the market.